Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

The Bounein' Egg

                   The Bouncin Egg
You will need: eggswatervinegarflashlightbowl
For this biology experiment:
1. Put 1 whole raw egg in a glass of water and Put 1 whole raw egg in a glass of vinegar.
2. The eggs are the samearen’t theyNowleave them a few hours.
3. Look at both eggs. Do they still look the same? The egg in the water is the same, but the egg in the vinegar has changed. The shell has begun to fizz. The acid in the vinegar dissolves the calcium carbonate that’s in the shell.

4. Look carefully. Does the egg in the vinegar still have its shell? Touch it. It now feels and looks like a rubber ball, doen’t it?

5. Leave both eggs alone for 7 days. After that time, take the egg in vinegar to the dark room and shine a flashlight at it. What do you see? The light bounces off the egg, doesn’t it?
6. Take the egg out of the glass of vinegar. Hold the egg a little bit over a bowl. Let the egg drop. Do you think it will splatter. Try it!

What happens?
Your egg bounces! Try it again getting a little higher each timeSee how high you can make the egg bounceWhat do you think will happen if you try to bounce the egg that was in the waterHold over the bowl and try.
-  chemical change takes place in the egg when left in vinegar?
- The vinegar, which is an acid, reacts with the calcium carbonate
   of the eggshell.
The change   makes  the   shell go soft,  then disappearThis is
   called “ decalcification”.
- The egg in th glass of water doen’t chemically change.
Fun Fact
You can make chicken bones so soft that you can bend them.
Put a clean  wishbone or  leg  bone  into a  jar of  vinegar. Make 
sure the  bones are  completely covered. Leave them  there  for  7  days. The  bones  will go so 
soft that you  can  tiwst them  into a knot!  Minerals in the  bone make it strong and rigid. The 
vinegar takes away these minerals and the bones dissolve like the eggshell.
Mini Quiz
The word vinegar comes from two French word-”vin” which means wine and which means sour.
Vinegar has been in use for a long time, but how long?
Mini answer: It is known that vinegar was used in Babylon in 5.000 B.C

Resource: Hinkler Books



Etiam at libero iaculis, mollis justo non, blandit augue. Vestibulum sit amet sodales est, a lacinia ex. Suspendisse vel enim sagittis, volutpat sem eget, condimentum sem.